Apply To Glauca Rossi School Of Makeup

And Get your Career Off to The Best Of Starts

Application Process
The Glauca Rossi School of Makeup runs small intimate classes. Places are limited on each course. If you would like to secure a place on a course that interests you please use one of the forms from below. 
Do you have any questions?
Call us on: 00 44 7712 619049 +0044 (0)7712 619049
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Choose Your Course

12 Week Fashion & Glam

Download the application for the 12 Week Course.
Application Form

8 Week Fashion & Glam

Download the application for the 8 Week Course.
Application Form

Glam & Bridal Makeup

Download the application for the 4 Week Glam & Bridal  Course.
Application Form

1on1 Make up Session

Contact us for more information or make a booking
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